Home » Website Designing Techniques To Elevate The User-Experience

Website Designing Techniques To Elevate The User-Experience

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Website Designing essentially means the accumulation of designing skills and technical know-how.

Web Designing has become an important concern in recent times considering high user engagement online via different gadgets.

Website Designing can greatly affect user experience on the website and play a role in defining the future of a business.


Here are a few simple yet extremely effective techniques and tactics for designing a website in a manner that attracts attention.

1. Plan out the Hierarchy

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Planning out the website layout should be fundamental in the process, as without a direction, you cannot reach your destination.

Understand what it is that you expect from your website and what will interest your visitor.

Plan a simple flat structured website architecture with not more than 3-4 layers if you have a small business.

This makes sure your customer is not confused and can easily find what he is looking for on your website.


2. Leverage Graphics

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It goes without questioning how much energy graphics can add to your contentful website.

Eye-catchy graphics not only enhance your website’s appearance but also retains the visitor on the website.

Visually appealing website graphics in the form of resourceful images, brand’s logo, videos etc., are must-haves if you are looking for a website that excites visitors.

Ensure that the graphics you are using to polish your website are unique and enticing and made with the assistance of a professional graphic designer.

Pro tip: Make a consistent and neat-looking website by deciding upon a color theme and sticking to it.


3. Page Loading Speed

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Loading speed is another critical element that defines the behavior of your website traffic. 

It is a part of the off-page designing of your website, and many website owners fail to notice why their website is not performing well even if it looks all right. 

It may differ for desktop and mobile due to sizes and should be checked for both.

The longer loading speed can result in a negative impact on user experience and conversions.

The ideal page loading speed should be less than 5 seconds.

You can check out your Page Loading Speed directly from Google’s PageSpeed Insights.


4. Important Pages

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We discussed how important it is to plan out the hierarchy of your website. Here are few important web pages other than an effective homepage that should definitely find a space on your website

  • About Us Page : Visitors ought to have knowledge about your company and business. Communicating what your business serves and how it can help them helps to build credibility


  • Contact Us Page : This is another crucial page because users coming on your website need a way to contact you. This affects conversions directly and should be systematically planned.


  • FAQ Section : This page will include all the questions you expect your visitors to have. This helps them get their issues resolved without even having to ask and hence greatly improves user experience.


  • Blog Page : Nowadays, a Blog Page has found its significance in many aspects. You can use this page to educate and provide helpful knowledge about relevant topics of your niche.


  • Products / Services Page : This page needs extra attention because this is tha main page where people get to have an insight into what you have to offer. The content on this page should be clear and direct, with the usage of simple words


5. Easy Navigation and Links 

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As discussed above, having a flat website structure is preferable as it makes navigation easier.

Another way to improve website navigation is to provide links on your web pages directly to other pages.

Also, using breadcrumbs is highly recommended so that the visitor can effortlessly go back to previous sections. 


6. Responsive Web Design

With the ever-growing technology, there are many ways a person can access your website like desktop, mobile, tablet etc. 

Your aim should be to design a responsive design to adapt and deliver content effectively on every platform and screen size.

Pro-tip: Make your website mobile-friendly because about 50%-55% of people access the internet through their mobile phones only.


Now that you have reached here, you probably have an idea of what all you need to keep in mind during the website designing process.

Always remember that it’s just not just how your website looks; it’s also of utmost importance to how it works.

Set your goals and objectives before laying out the structure, and keep track of these key points for creating a challenging website. 


JB Gold Cube Ventures provide excellent Web Development and Web Designing Services to satisfy your needs and goals.


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