Home » Social Media Marketing 101 | Hands-On Guide For Social Media Strategies

Social Media Marketing 101 | Hands-On Guide For Social Media Strategies

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If someone asks you what’s the one job that has seen massive growth in the past few years, what would you say?

Yes, the answer is social media! Social media platforms and social media marketing have witnessed unbelievable growth in recent years.

The reason being the amount of exposure and opportunities that come with social media. And with the ongoing pandemic, the number of social media users and their time has exponentially gone up (according to stats, about 55 % of the global population uses social media, and the average daily usage is 2 hours!!

With these numbers, it’s quite clear why more and more people are attracted to making their career out of social media itself. 

While most people have managed to get a secure career from social media, there are a few who are still struggling to make ends meet.


Social Media Marketing Tips for a Solid Social Media Presence


I –  Plan out your Social Media Goals

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There’s a lot that social media offers, like brand awareness, generating leads, B2B communications, improving traffic, getting reviews, promoting and building brand reputation etc.

With so much variety, you might get stuck in choosing what is best for your brand.

It is essential to plan out what you expect for your business from social media so that every social media action is directed towards one specific goal.

To makes ends meet and to achieve your goals & objectives in the most effective manner, hire an expert digital marketing agency.


II – Prepare your Budget

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To achieve higher results and gain a good reach, many businesses usually diversify their activities and aim for getting much more traffic through paid advertising and collaborations.

Although this might be a great idea for short-term results, it costs a lot of money.

Paid ads, collaborations, paid referrals, partnerships etc., all require money that you may not have thought of before, so it’s always a good idea to plan the amount of money you are willing to spend for social media marketing.

This will help in sorting out the last-moment financial troubles.


III – Identify the Social Media Platforms you have to focus on 

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Handling social media platforms is not an easy task if you focus on maintaining good at all social media networks.

Understanding your objectives and looking where you can find the best audience you are looking for must be one of your priority tasks. 

Here are some platforms you must definitely invest your time and resources into, considering the commendable users they attract.

  • Facebook 

Facebook is the number one platform for your social media campaigns as it has the highest number of users (about 2.85 billion) using and engaging everyday. It serves the purpose of social media marketing by offering various features like Facebook Shop. Facebook Leads Ads, Facebook video features, a specifically designed Facebook Business Suite etc.

It is the most convenient and easy to use social media platform, and if you are not already using Facebook for your business, you are losing out on a lot.

  • Instagram

With 1 billion + people using Instagram, it has become a livelihood hub for many influences, businesses, content creators and digital experts. 

If you can attract your audience with visual content, then Instagram is the most ideal social media platform for you.

Must Read : 8 simple steps to boost Instagram Engagement

  • Twitter

Twitter has seen extraordinary growth in recent decades and hence became an effective social media marketing network. 

With Twitter, you can interact with customers and other businesses directly, resolve your audience’s concerns and build powerful relationships. 

  • LinkedIn

Linkedin has come out as the best B2B marketing platforms for professionals looking for opportunities and businesses looking for perfect candidates.

Marketing on LinkedIn is highly recommended as this platform has immense potential of getting your business potential leads and an engaging audience.


IV – Identify the Right Time to Post

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You can yield the maximum potential results of your social media marketing goals if you identify the right time to post on different channels.

It is important to understand here that there is no such thing as a perfect time for social media posts.

According to your audience, you have to find the most suitable time by experimenting and analyzing what time your particular target audience is most active.


 V – All things Visual – Theme & Content

social media content, social media themes, social media marketing strategy, social media marketing

The content and theme on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc., play a huge role in generating results for social media strategies.

This is so because visually appealing social media accounts attract a much wider audience and determine the viewer’s behavior in making perceptions of your brand.

Hence, right content marketing tactics will definitely help your brand have an edge over others.

For enticing & catchy content and unique themes, outsource your designing tasks to a professional graphic designer to see the best results!


Reach Out to us at JB Gold Cube Ventures Pvt. Ltd. if you are looking for the best Social Media marketing Strategist!


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